The instance meta-data is used primarily in electronic diagrams, and consists of the Reference Designator, the XYZ location, the angle, and the side (Top or Bottom) from which the location is measured. For example, a circuit board may contain 4 equal resistors. The reference designator is a label, assigned to each instance of the resistor. The resistor is further identified by its location on the diagram. Here is an example:
To specify instance data, consider a part, such as a circuit board JB-11:
Edit the part, and select the resistor from its BOM table.
Right click, and select View "BOM" from the popup menu.
Click on the Lock icon to edit the BOM relationship.
Click on the New Item icon to add instances. Your list could look something like:
Save, Unlock, and Close to return to the parent item. It should still be in Edit mode.
You need to manually manage the comma separated list of resistor reference designators with the explicit entries in the Instances tab. For example,
Save, Unlock, and Close .