Process Flow Diagram
The Process Flow Diagram is the first tab on the Process Planner, and it looks like this:
As mentioned before, the operation number is common among all the tabs of the process planner, and links information about the same operation between these documents.
Enter the values for the following properties:
2. - Operation number - the identifying number of the operation being performed
3. - the symbol of the operation, such as scrap, rework, move, fabricate, etc. When the cell gains focus, a dialog comes up with the available symbols:
Select the symbol that represents this type of operation, and click the green check mark to complete the selection.
4. - describe the operation being performed. For example, if the Operation Symbol is Inspect, the description could be something like: Verify correct setup of equipment.
5. - the id of the characteristic affected by this operation. When the cell gains focus, the Characteristic Browser comes up automatically. You can either select an existing characteristic for the part or the part family specified in the Process Planner header, or you can add one. For more information on adding characteristics, see Characteristics Browser.
6. - read only - the value echoes the characteristic description from the Characteristic Browser, if the characteristic is marked with D for Design.
7. - read only - the value echoes the characteristic description from the Characteristic Browser, if the characteristic is marked with P for Process.
Here is an example of a PFD with some information in it: